Fact : This is not proven,although consuming the daily requirement of vitamin C is good for overall health as it strengtened the immune system.
Myth : An upset stomach is a symptom of flu...
Fact : Stomach distress is rarely a symptom of flu. More common causes for nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea are infection by bacteria,viruses and food poisoning.
Myth : A bowl of chicken soup and hot toddies can help cure a cold.
Fact : Chicken soup has no power to cure cold. However,hot liquids can soothe a scratchy throat or cough. Hot toddies should also be avoided during a cold or flu. Alcoholic beverages increases the risk of dehydration and therefore will worsen the symptoms.
Fact : It doesn't work! When fighting a cold or fever,the body needs plenty fluids from water or juices and enough food to satisfy the appetite.
So... Let us be healthy and happy :)
Prevention is better than cure.. Mencegah lebih baik dari mengubati :)
good info huney.. =)
ReplyDeletecuma tkar skit font tlisan..words besar2 sket..
rajin blogging nih..da pndai da..bgus2 hehe
ooo..ok2...tulisan ni mcm ssh nak baca kan..huhu...xpe2..ni baru permulaan :) thnx abang for ur support :)